Friday 22 November 2019
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Categories Folk
£13 or £10 or £6 – book now
Though Twelfth Day wear their rich and varied experience with pride – their folk roots, their classical training – this duo is more than a simple product, an exponent, of their practice. It is their inherent curiosity, their need to understand through experimentation, that compels them to create their unique, genre-bending music.
Their songs confront societal conventions by exploring a wealth of urgent current issues, such as gender roles, power balance and the challenges of working in the arts as a young woman; the threat of climate change and society’s reluctance to act; and the struggles of mental health.
In their new album Face to Face (out November 2019, and their first featuring their full band, with whom they play tonight) their multi-layered influences come together to create something entirely individual. There’s the radio-friendly catchiness and self-proclaimed respect for Beyoncé; there’s the swagger and surprise of jazz and funk; there’s the precision and technique of classical. The only label to truly hit the high note is ‘contemporary’: Face to Face could only be made now, and only by Twelfth Day.
“genre-blending style that is both edgy and inventive. . . A bold, intriguing set.” ★★★★ The Guardian
“Unconventional yet completely open” – Clash
“Right up my street” – Tom Robinson, BBC 6 Music
“instantly addictive” Max Reinhardt, BBC Radio 3
“a boldly brilliant record, suffused with dark humour and wildly inventive musicianship” ★★★★★ fRoots
“challenging, virtuosic music that is far more than the sum of its parts” ★★★★ The Skinny
“one of the most rewarding listening experiences to be placed before an audience this year.” Folk Radio UK
“they’re absolutely being themselves. . .The album is so varied. It takes you by surprise. . .Every track is something different.” Verity Sharp, BBC Radio 3 Record Review