Saturday 29 June 2019
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Categories Performances, shows, and events
In the wake of various developments recently (eg Extinction Rebellion and the way it’s taking off locally and nationally), Inez Aponte, has offered this workshop which is taking place at the Arts Centre on Saturday 29 June.
“I have been running this workshop for the last ten years with transition groups, community groups, students and activists as part of a two day course on alternative economics and relocalisation called Beautiful Economies. The reason I wanted to offer this brief introduction is because under our current crises of climate, austerity and mental health, I see ‘solutions’ being proposed that are partial and disjointed and likely to cause further harm if not fully understood.
Human Scale Development is a way to see a broader picture and go beyond single issues. It helps us go much deeper into the underlying motives for our personal and collective decisions and, rather than giving us easy but fake solutions, offers a way to ask better questions which can start us on a path of lasting change.
The workshop is interactive and participatory and accessible to all. It is not about economics as you know it. In fact if you think economics is boring this is the workshop for you!”
Find out more about Inez and her work at http://growinggoodlives.com/
Participation is free/by donation (to support the Arts Centre) – but please book in advance by emailing boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk (limited to 30 places) or Lucy Lepchani: lucylepchani@mail.com