Friday 4 December 2020
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Categories Dance
£13 or £10 or £6 – please pay what you can: wegottickets.com/ashburtonarts
An exciting evening of flamenco comes to Ashburton; with the passionate dance, haunting song and rhythmic guitar of Southern Spain. Join us for a night of fire and emotion!
Dance from Karina Gracia
Song and percussion from Jaime Cantera
Guitar from David Nash
To watch online, email boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk and we’ll send you the links you need.
Covid-Secure Guidelines
- Seating: if you’re coming with others and want to sit together an a ‘bubble’, please book tickets under the same name, or email boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk to let us know which bookings should be seated together. Groups of more than 2 may be assigned reserved seating – please check.
- The audience will be limited, and seats arranged in a socially-distanced way, 1m – 2m between bubbles.
- The hall will be well-ventilated (doors and windows open), so while there will also be some heating, please dress warmly.
- Face masks should be worn when inside the building, except when eating or drinking.
- There will be at-seat service from the bar.
- At the interval, please remain seated.
- If you use the loos at the Arts Centre, please be aware that they have limited ventilation.
- Soap and water, and hand sanitser are provided: please use them.
Thanks for your patience and cooperation with these measures, which aim to reduce the chances of any corona virus infection being passed on and spread.