Sunday 6 December 2020
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Categories Jazz
Update: Sadly, due to very boring covid-related reasons this gig has had to be cancelled. We hope to reschedule it soon in 2021. Anyone who has booked tickets should have had an email offering to hold them for the new date, or refund your money.
£13 or £10 or £6 – please pay what you can: wegottickets.com/ashburtonarts
Brilliant pianist/singer Jonathan Gee brings his trio back to Ashburton on Sunday 6 December.
Here he is in action:
Jonathan has performed all over the world with his various trios – including New York’s Lincoln Centre, the Rome Festival, Pori Festival, Baku Festival, and well known clubs such as Ronnie Scott’s in London. He has performed with such jazz stars as Claire Martin, Mark Murphy and Pharoah Sanders and has just released a new album ‘Re-imagining The Beatles’ featuring Italian saxophone star Gaetano Partipilo. The Independent acclaimed Jonathan as ‘a compelling pianist’ whose ‘incisive improvisatory style is capable of packing a wealth of rhythmic and harmonic ideas into a single phrase.’
For this mini tour of Devon with Marcus Vergette on bass and Andy Trim on drums, Jonathan will be playing the music of Keith Jarrett and Stevie Wonder, some reconfigured Xmas classics… and some lockdown-inspired songs like Don’t Get Around Much Anymore, The Nearness of You and Don’t Stand So Close To Me.
Marcus Vergette on bass has worked with many of the UK’s top jazz musicians including Mike Westbrook, Jean Toussaint, Steve Buckley and Don Weller. He’s also an internationally-acclaimed sculptor who has exhibited, for example, in The Venice Guggenheim Collection. He has several tidal bells installed around the UK. His amazing double bell musical sculpture, the Harmonic Canon was a highlight of the Tinners Moon festival here at the Arts Centre in May 2019.
Andy Trim is one of the UK’s leading drummers, having worked with everyone from Humphrey Lyttleton and Peter King to Robert Mitchell, Mike Outram and Zoe Rahman. He has also worked with US legends such as Charles McPherson and Gene ‘Mighty Flea ‘ Connors and he runs a legendary monthly Friday night gig at The Archduke Wine Bar in London.
Covid-Secure Guidelines
- Seating: if you’re coming with others and want to sit together an a ‘bubble’, please book tickets under the same name, or email boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk to let us know which bookings should be seated together. Groups of more than 2 may be assigned reserved seating – please check.
- The audience will be limited, and seats arranged in a socially-distanced way, 1m – 2m between bubbles.
- The hall will be well-ventilated (doors and windows open), so while there will also be some heating, please dress warmly.
- Face masks should be worn when inside the building, except when eating or drinking.
- There will be at-seat service from the bar.
- At the interval, please remain seated.
- If you use the loos at the Arts Centre, please be aware that they have limited ventilation.
- Soap and water, and hand sanitser are provided: please use them.