Sunday 16 February 2020
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Categories Folk
Join us for a night of enchantment, humour and sheer waywardness with giant of Irish music Liam Ó’Maonlaí (Hothouse Flowers) and much celebrated storyteller Martin Shaw on a journey into the power of language, tradition, innovation and wonder.
Something for the lover in all of us!
NB: this performance now sold out – returns only (email the box office). Tickets still available for Friday 14 February.
Liam and Martin will also be running a workshop during the day. More details here.
Doors and bar open 30 minutes before the show is due to start.
Ashburton Arts Centre, 15 West St, Ashburton, Devon, TQ13 7DT
Different ticket prices are all for the same unreserved seats. Pay what you can.
Tickets in advance from wegottickets.com/ashburtonarts (10% booking fee added) or in person from Rafikis (next door to the Arts Centre), Ashburton Information Centre and on the door.
To reserve a ticket, email boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk
Accessibility: Venue has flat access from street. PA tickets available on request. Wheelchair users, please get in touch with the box office in advance if possible.
ashburtonarts.org.uk @ashburtonarts facebook.com/ashburtonarts
“One of the best small UK music venues” The Guardian
Free parking after 6pm and all day Sunday in the Town Car Park behind the Town Hall, and in the Grey Matter compound on Chuley Road.