Life Drawing

Saturday 2 May 2020
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Regular events

Covid19 latest: We expect the next Life Drawing session to be on Sat 5 September. It may be possible to be physically present in the Arts Centre Studio by then;  Zoom will also be available.

There’s an email group for people interested in Life Drawing sessions here. To be added to this, or to find out about booking, please email

Get ready by downloading the Zoom app here.

Monthly Saturday morning Life Drawing sessions are back at Ashburton Arts Centre with Andrew Stacey, upstairs in the (well-heated!) Studio.

Bring along whatever materials you like to use; there are a plenty of small tables and/or you can bring in boards or portable easels to work on or in sketchbooks.

Suggested donation £10 (all proceeds go to the Arts Centre’s funds, after paying the model).