Saturday 22 February 2020
6:30 pm
Categories Community Event
Turn up between 6 – 6.30pm and gather in the forecourt – or the bar!
Weather-permitting, there’ll be a short parade around the centre of town, leaving from the forecourt of the arts centre at 6.30pm – bring puppets, lanterns, lights, musical instruments…
We’ll be joined by Grimspound Border Morris – who’ll do a performance in the Arts Centre Forecourt at 7pm.
All this is FREE! Afterwards, it’s straight on to Frisco Fiasco in the Arts Centre featuring Martine Waltier, Mama Tokus, Ric Byer (drums), Marcus Vergette (bass) & Jesse Molins (guitar) keeping the live grooves going for the night. Tickets for this are either £5, or £8 or £10 – you choose, pay what you can!
Get tickets on the door, or in advance from WeGotTickets (10% fee) or Rafikis or the Information Centre.
If you want to do some puppet or lantern making, come down to the Arts Centre in the morning from 10.30am – noon. This may carry on in the afternoon if there are people to do it.