Thursday 26 November 2020
7:30 pm
Categories Talk
Book now: £10 or £5 or £0 at wegottickets.com/ashburtonarts
David Constantine is one of the most inspiring people I have ever met. His life is full of of compelling which he tells in a self-effacing but gripping way. They’re accompanied by some beautiful images.
We’re extremely lucky, to add him to our monthly series at the very last minute!
After the life-shattering event of a diving accident at the age of 21 which left him paralyzed from the shoulders down, he picked himself up and has travelled the world teaching people how to make wheelchairs that really work, from cheap, locally-available materials. He co-founded the charity Motivation which also makes wheelchairs that are light and functional, rather than the heavy, institutional things which used to be all that was available to so many disabled people.
Along the way he has become an amazing photographer, having having a unique relationship with his subjects. His shots come from his medium-format chair-mounted camera; he is conspicuous and this often means that his subjects are giving him an unusual degree of attention.
Check out his TEDx Talk here: youtu.be/reFVoBdaOCI
See David’s new photography site: sittingimages.com
More about the charity Motivation: motivation.org.uk
You’ll be sent all the information you need to join the event on Zoom or YouTube on the night.