ACMF2024 Concert No 2: at Bremridge (between Ashburton and Woodland)

ACMF2024 Concert No 2: at Bremridge (between Ashburton and Woodland)

Thursday 18 July 2024
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Ashburton Arts Centre

chamber Music Festival 2024

Book here now: £16 full price • £12 or £8 if you prefer – please pay what you can*

Update, 18 July: Tickets available on the door tonight.
There’s an alcohol free bar tonight. Lots of lovely things (0% G&T, low alc lager, etc)
If you want beer or wine, you’re welcome to bring your own along.

This concert features music by Prokofiev, Kurtág, Vaughan Williams, Haydn

Sergei Prokofiev – Sonata for two violins, Opus 56
György Kurtág – Officium Breve string quartet
Ralph Vaughan Williams – Six Studies on English Folk Song for sax and strings
Josef Haydn – string quartet “Lark”

The festival musicians are:
Sara Trickey, violin (UK)
Stefan Hersh, violin (USA
David Yang, viola (USA)
Tristan Cornut, cello (France)
Andy Williamson, saxophones (UK)

This is part of Ashburton Chamber Music Festival (ACMF) 2024 – a series of concerts, hausmusiks (where the musicians sight-read what the audience chooses) and other events in and around Ashburton from 12 – 21 July 2024. To see everything that’s happening, and more about the music and the musicians go to

There’s a choice of three ticket prices for each event – please pay what you can. If you’d like to buy a Festival Pass to see any or all of the events in the festival these are £75 full price; or £50 or £40 if you need a cheaper one. Please email to arrange this.

* See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre.