Saturday 23 April 2022 - Sunday 24 April 2022
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Categories Music
Book here now -£35/£25/£20
or £50 advance for both days
Briony is a world leader in Collaborative Vocal Improvisation (CVI) which is a thrilling, inspiring, challenging, ancient, and contemporary approach to singing with others. Singing together without a song, composer or conductor, those roles become shared in the moment with spontaneously created music and emergent shared leadership. It involves deep listening to self, other and the space between us. All are welcome.
Day 1: Starting with the basics : no experience assumed
Day 2: Taking it Further
Intermediate: for people with some singing experience, or who’ve attended one of Briony’s workshops before. This might include singing with other people in choirs, or in other scenarios where you’re used to the whole business of singing in front of other people. If you’ve never done any improvisation before you’ll need to pick up quickly some of what the others got up to on Day 1.
The workshops will take place in the Studio upstairs in Ashburton Arts Centre from 11am – 3pm on each day.
Access to the Studio is via a 20 step staircase; there’s no lift in the building.
There’ll be a short lunch break – please bring whatever you need. Fresh water, Tea and coffee all available.
Briony has recently been featured on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour and in
The Guardian: ‘People go a funny colour and keel over’: Briony Greenhill on leading the world’s most intense singing lessons
One of the tracks from her new album opened Night Tracks on BBC Radio 3 (available until 19 April).