Burns Night Ceilidh with ReJig

Burns Night Ceilidh with ReJig

Saturday 25 January 2020
7:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Ashburton Arts Centre


Re-Jig returns to Ashburton Arts Centre for another Burns Night party.
There’ll be music, dancing (including called dances), haggis, whisky and high spirits.

Tickets: £13 or £10 or £6 – you choose.  Book here (+ 10%) or from Rafikis Cafe or Ashburton Information Centre. Or email boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk to reserve.

This was very popular last year, so book soon!

Doors and bar open at 7pm
Starts at 7.30pm

Dance, eat haggis, drink whisky, listen to a wee bit of Robbie Burns – what’s not to like!?
More details soon