Saturday 28 January 2023
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Categories Classical
Book here now: £10 full price, £8 or £5 if you prefer; Children under 18 FREE*
Join us on a chilly Saturday afternoon for a warming selection of classical music including Mozart’s elegant overture to his opera ‘La Clemenza di Tito‘ composed for the coronation of King Leopold I; Haydn’s final London symphony no. 104, and soar into the sky with Vaughan Williams’s ethereal ‘The Lark Ascending’, (see link below) featuring renowned local soloist, Mary Eade on violin.
This concert is short and sweet, well-suited to younger listeners, and we particularly welcome families to come and listen. Under 18s are FREE – please book a free ticket here.
It’s a ‘relaxed’ concert – which means that the usual conventions of sitting still and completely silent during the performance are not necessary. Audience members are free to come and go during the music as needed, to the loo or wherever.
Here’s a preview from Dartmouth Orchestra: