Thursday 11 August 2022 - Friday 19 August 2022
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Categories Exhibtion
Photographer Isa De La Calle from Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, brings her fabulous images to the Arts Centre, alongside a performance (Fri 12 Aug, 7pm) and workshop (Sat 13 Aug 11am) by Lola Flamenco, also from Jerez.
See instagram.com/isadelacalle.flamenco for more examples of her work.
Admission FREE.
The gallery is normally open from 10am – 5pm each day, and during evening events. These times cannot always be guaranteed. If you intend to make a special trip to see this, please email boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk at least a day in advance if possible and we’ll arrange for it to be open.