Friday 31 July 2020
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Categories Music
Expect loose, fresh, joyful, pulsating spiritually upbeat sounds.
David Mowat: veteran world jazz trumpeter
Emmy Broughton: rising star of the concert harp
Will Broughton: guitars
Jamie Broughton: vocals
Pete Warner: drums
This is a brand new ensemble of experienced musicians, who’ll’ve spent several days together in Cornwall before coming to Ashburton concocting some gorgeous music for us. They’re playing live in a field on Thursday night, then coming to the Arts Centre on Friday evening to play in the lovely acoustic, which has worked so well in our live streamed events so far.
We’ll hear: raw, sometimes spontaneous song: philosophical, heart rending, by Will Broughton with his Tom Waits-ish voice; transporting, improvised soundscapes with trance grooves led by Emily Broughton on concert harp; a newly composed samba jazz song by trumpeter David Mowat; a very chilled jazz elegy by phenomenal young guitarist Jamie Broughton and original gypsy swing.
Tickets £10 or £8 or £5 or £0 – you choose the price that suits you best. Please pay what you can – most goes to the musicians (who are earning very little right now) and some to the Arts Centre; but we know that times are hard for many right now, and don’t want price to prevent anyone from joining us.
To book email boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk and you’ll be sent the links to join us either using Zoom or on YouTube, whichever you prefer.