![Hausmusik in Ashburton [standing room only]](https://ashburtonarts.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/25-East-St-320.jpg)
Friday 26 July 2019
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Categories Chamber Music Festival 2019
£10/£8/£5 – Advance Tickets are SOLD OUT.
If you turn up this evening without a ticket, there will be some room to stand, including just outside in the garden, right next to the musicians – doors open at 6.30pm, we’ll squeeze in as many people as is safe and comfortable.
Nobody knows the programme in advance – not even the musicians!
From a pile of music – including string quartets from the last 300 years – the audience will choose pieces, and the musicians will sight-read them, right there in front of everyone: no rehearsal!
As well as being a chance to hear some amazing music, at VERY close quarters, these are all happening in some wonderful houses and gardens. The third Hausmusik is in the heart of Ashburton, in one of East Street’s Grade 2 listed houses that stretch back such a long way inside.