Sunday 16 February 2020
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Performances, shows, and events
This performance is being p-repeated (is that a word?) on Friday 14 February.
Both performances are sold out. There’s still a reserve list for Sunday. If you turn up without a ticket, you might be lucky if we get last-minute returns.
Before the evening’s performance from this giant of Irish music Liam O’Maonlai (Hothouse Flowers) and much-celebrated storyteller Martin Shaw, you’re invited to join them for a workshop during the day:
Making a Home for the Sweetness of Culture: exploring a sense of vocation in relationship to story, culture, song and place
“In this gathering we will explore how, as modern people, we can locate a sense of vocation in relationship to story, culture, song and place. That there is a great well of refreshment available to each one of us.”
Ó Maonlaí and Shaw will share stories of their own journeys along the way, offer tips, sing songs, maybe get you telling a tale or two. Ó Maonlaí is deeply versed in traditional Gaelic singing and a seminal figure in Irish music; Shaw has a lifetime’s study of ancient story in him, is an award-winning writer, and a long-time teacher of wilderness rites of passage.
This is a very rare opportunity to have two leading practitioners in dialogue with us on these wider questions. In the end however, the invitation is for you to deepen into a sense of quite what you are a natural scholar of.
drmartinshaw.com | cistamystica.com | schoolofmyth.com
To book a place on this workshop, go to:
eventbrite.co.uk/e/natural-scholarship-a-masterclass-with-martin-shaw-and-liam-omaonlai-tickets-89388065109. The cost is £32.93.
Doors and bar open 30 minutes before the advertised start time.
Accessibility: Venue has flat access from street. PA tickets available on request.Free parking after 6pm and all day Sunday in the Town Car Park behind the Town Hall, and in the Grey Matter compound on Chuley Road. More information and map.