Thursday 30 January 2020
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Categories Talk
Learn why a Chris Chapman, a Dartmoor photographer, chose to shoot and record the life of this incredible woman.
From 1956 to her death in 2010, Hope Bourne dedicated her life to all things Exmoor and for some 24 years lived in a tiny caravan in the grounds of a burnt-out farmhouse in a remote part of the moor. But far from being a recluse, this is the story of a remarkable woman who rose to become one of Exmoor’s foremost ambassadors, highlighting the importance of conserving and inhabiting wild country through a series of books, newspaper articles, sketches and paintings.
Chris Chapman met Hope in 1991 and embarked on researching and filming the story of her life in 2014. His friendship and respect for her memory captured in his film is best summed up by Gerry Dawson, a retired BBC Producer, who also knew and admired Hope:
“Chris, I think with your stewardship, Hope’s legacy – her spirit of Exmoor – will be recognised by a new audience. People in turn will romanticise her life and lifestyle (as they always have done) and then, through a deeper knowledge, understand better the circumstances that forged this remarkable and kind woman. And, through this, be drawn to a fuller appreciation of the landscape upon which she lavished a lifetime. I gasped a little as I watched and miss her a little more. She would have been shyly pleased.”
All tickets: £10 which includes delicious soup and bread generously donated by Rafikis Cafe and Ella the Artisan Baker. Many thanks to them.
Tickets in advance from wegottickets.com/ashburtonarts (10% booking fee added) or in person from Rafikis (next door to the Arts Centre), Ashburton Information Centre and (usually) on the door.
To reserve a ticket, email boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk
Doors and bar open 30 minutes before the advertised start time.
Accessibility: Venue has flat access from street. PA tickets available on request.
Wheelchair users, please get in touch with the box office in advance if possible.
Free parking after 6pm and all day Sunday in the Town Car Park behind the Town Hall, and in the Grey Matter compound on Chuley Road. More information and map.