Thursday 20 May 2021
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Categories Talk
£10/£8/£5 – Get your tickets here
Guy Shrubsole is an environmental campaigner, co-founder of the Right to Roam campaign to extend public access to land, and author of Who Owns England? (William Collins, 2019), a polemical investigation into England’s oldest, darkest secret – who owns our land, and how they came to possess it. With 1% of the population owning half of all England, what does this mean for how land is used and abused, for how we solve the climate and ecological emergencies, and for the public’s access to land?
Since moving to Devon last year, Guy has continued to investigate land ownership both nationally and locally. This talk will focus on who owns Dartmoor, rights of common and rights of access, and what scope there might be for rewilding within the National Park, by restoring some of Dartmoor’s lost temperate rainforests.
Doors open at 7:00. Start time 7:30.
Pandemic policies. This information will be updated as things change.
Update: April 2022
- Face masks: In the Main Hall, on the ground floor, these are recommended at all times, but are optional. Anyone who sits upstairs in the balcony MUST wear a face mask – with NO exceptions (not even those who are exempt). This is to allow people who are clinically vulnerable to have a place to sit where seats are naturally separated, so: (a) to provide a place for people who want to be as distanced as possible from others, and with anyone nearby wearing a mask; (b) as virus particles when airborne are generally heavier than air, this helps to mitigate the risk of transmission from people sitting in the balcony to audience members below.
- The windows and doors of the venue will be open, allowing fresh air to be constantly moving through. Although we have heating, this might mean that the ambient temperature is a little cooler than some might like, and audience members should dress accordingly.
- Please, if you can, take a Lateral Flow test before coming to the Arts Centre, and if this is positive, don’t come. These tests aim to pick up anyone who is infectious at the moment of testing, so please take the test as late as possible on the same day before coming to the Arts Centre. If you test positive, a refund or transfer of your ticket to another event can be arranged, if you let us know before the start of the event, by emailing boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk.