Saturday 12 December 2020
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Categories Music
£5 or £3 or £0 – please pay what you can: wegottickets.com/ashburtonarts
Update 1 November: After yesterday’s government announcement, this concert will not now happen as advertised. We have rescheduled for a date in December. Existing ticket holders for the original date will be offered a refund or the chance to move their booking to the new date.
In March of this year when we couldn’t meet each other, Rick Thorpe started painting East African animals in the Torquay landscape. Hugh Nankivell dreamt that he was walking with Rick seeing these wonderful beasts and wrote songs about these perambulations. They inspired each other to create a dozen new visual and sonic landscapes.
Live and pre-recorded songs, improvisations and minimalist impressions for keyboards, violin and saxes.
Music by Hugh Nankivell
Paintings by Rick Thorpe
Films by Bob Lockwood
Live performance by Hugh Nankivell with Emma Welton, Bob Lockwood and Andy Williamson
Covid-Secure Guidelines
- Seating: if you’re coming with others and want to sit together an a ‘bubble’, please book tickets under the same name, or email boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk to let us know which bookings should be seated together. Groups of more than 2 may be assigned reserved seating – please check.
- The audience will be limited, and seats arranged in a socially-distanced way, 1m – 2m between bubbles.
- The hall will be well-ventilated (doors and windows open), so while there will also be some heating, please dress warmly.
- Face masks should be worn when inside the building, except when eating or drinking.
- There will be at-seat service from the bar.
- At the interval, please remain seated.
- If you use the loos at the Arts Centre, please be aware that they have limited ventilation.
- Soap and water, and hand sanitser are provided: please use them.