Saturday 31 October 2020
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Categories Music
£10 or £8 or £5 – please pay what you can: wegottickets.com/ashburtonarts
An evening of prepared and improvised solo, duo, trio music, song and story
Sam Walker
John Matthias
Dunstan Belcher
These are three fabulous musicians who always come up with something fascinating and atmospheric. The lights will be low, and indeed, the veil will be thin, on this eve of all hallows… In a building with the history of the Arts Centre, built as a Methodist Church in 1835, who knows what spirits will join us?
IMPORTANT: Please book for everyone who wishes to sit together in a bubble using the same booking. If you need to add others to the same group later, the same person should make the booking. For groups larger than 1 or 2, we will reserve seating in a group of up to six people, according to the name of the person who books the tickets. If you need to explain anything, please email boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk.
This gig is happening under the restrictions imposed as a result of the current pandemic to be a “covid secure” venue, as they apply at the time, and as decided by Ashburton Arts Centre.
This means that the audience is limited and will be seated and socially distanced. Face masks should be worn, unless exempted, at all times except when drinking. Drinks orders will be taken from and brought to your seats. No dancing, singing (except the band), raised voices or ‘mingling’ with other ‘bubbles’ (it’s the law!). Thanks for helping us keep music live!
This means that the audience is limited and will be seated and socially distanced. Face masks should be worn, unless exempted, at all times except when drinking. Drinks orders will be taken from and brought to your seats. No dancing, singing (except the band), raised voices or ‘mingling’ with other ‘bubbles’ (it’s the law!). Thanks for helping us keep music live!