Ashburton Community Folk Orchestra: Fundraiser for the Bank Youth Project

Ashburton Community Folk Orchestra: Fundraiser for the Bank Youth Project

Sunday 17 December 2023
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Ashburton Arts Centre

Community Event

Book here now: £10 full price • £8 or £5 if you prefer – please pay what you can*
Free to Bank Youth Project Members

Music from the Ashburton Community Folk Orchestra. Beautiful intriguing airs, old English hornpipes and toe tapping dances.
This will be followed by an open folk session where all who want will be invited to lead a tune, sing a party piece, join in and have some general music fun! + Raffle!
Proceeds to The Bank Youth Project:
To book tickets: (+10% fee) or email to reserve and pay on the door.
For more information about the orchestra, contact David Faulkner on 07967 121985 /


* See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre.