Saturday 9 November 2024
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Categories Folk
Book here now: £15 full price • £10 or £7 if you prefer – please pay what you can*
“The feel of Elliott Smith and Sufjan Stevens” ★★★★ Scottish Daily Express
“Frighteningly brilliant works” The Daily Star (full review on page 2 here)
“Chris Cleverley was born under a solstice moon, in the honeysuckle mysticism of a late 80s Midsummer. As his fledgling days unfurled, the symbolic sounds of ‘Hunky Dory’, ‘Graceland’ and ‘Ladies of The Canyon’ echoed from the woodchip walls of the South Birmingham terrace where he was raised; quiet and curious, saturnine and shy.
Katie Whitehouse with Dan Whitehouse
Listen on Soundcloud to Spaces from Katie’s album Drawing Lines
“Katie has been involved in music as long as she can remember, whether as a choir leader, composer and arranger, a poet and songwriter or as a successful agent for other rising and prominent folk stars. Finally, she has taken the time to pen her beautiful debut album Drawing Lines. Her writing is deeply felt and sincere and her debut album Drawing Lines is inspired by personal life experience, but with a universality that draws everyone in. Delicately arranged and yet exceptionally powerful – Katie’s voice gently weaves her way around you, and into your heart.”
“….evokes thoughts of Judie Tzuke” Mike Davies for folking.com “Drawing Lines has its fair share of moody storm clouds – the odd brisk shower. But also dazzling rays of sunshine. Perfect conditions for rainbows.” Arts Culture Mag
“Katie Whitehouse understands songs, and she understands singing, and does both beautifully” Reg Meuross
“Lovely songs beautifully performed” Boo Hewerdine
*See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre: getting here, parking, loos, PA tickets, etc.