Film: Keith Wiley in ‘Wildside — the story of a garden’

Film: Keith Wiley in 'Wildside — the story of a garden'

Thursday 29 February 2024
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Ashburton Arts Centre


Book here now: £9 full price • £7 or £5 if you prefer – please pay what you can*

Trailer here:

Garden Masterclass commissioned film maker John Campbell to work with them on making this film. It follows Keith Wiley through the year — his remarkable spring garden with naturalising bulbs, the exuberant summer garden, the intense colours of autumn and the bare bones of winter.

Learn about how Keith has shaped and sculpted his land to create conditions that an extraordinary array of plants, how he uses and shapes trees to make microclimates, and about how he integrates so many plant species into a coherent artistic vision.


* See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre.