Film: The Lavender Hill Mob (U) CANCELLED

Film: The Lavender Hill Mob (U) CANCELLED

Wednesday 18 March 2020
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Ashburton Arts Centre


With regret, because of the health risk posed by the current corona virus pandemic, this gig has been postponed. The new date will be later this year sometime.

After two decades of service to his employers, gold bullion carrier Henry Holland (Alec Guinness) decides to run off with more than a million pounds worth of the stuff. After convincing his sculptor friend Alfred (Stanley Holloway) to help him melt down the gold and mold it into a small Eiffel Tower, Henry sends the statuette ahead of him to Paris, only to discover it was one of six miniature towers bought by a group of schoolgirls.


Price: £5 (18 and under: £3)

Tickets in advance from or in person from Gnash Comics and (usually) on the door.

To reserve a ticket, email

Doors and bar open 30 minutes before the advertised start time.

Accessibility: Venue has flat access from street. PA tickets available on request.

Wheelchair users, please get in touch with the box office in advance if possible.

Free parking after 6pm and all day Sunday in the Town Car Park behind the Town Hall, and in the Grey Matter compound on Chuley Road. More information and map.