Thursday 11 August 2022
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Categories Music
Book here now: £14 full price • £10 or £7 if you prefer*
Coming for the first time to Ashburton Arts Centre is the Wurlitza experience – a silent film with live accompaniment as you will never have experienced it before. The film on show will be G.W. Pabst’s late silent masterpiece Diary of a Lost Girl, arguably one of the finest films of the silent era
Fast moving and at times shocking, Diary of a Lost Girl traces the story of Thymian, played by the mesmerising screen idol Louise Brooks, as her life yoyos between episodes of lightness and innocence, darkness and hope.
Here is an extract from their original soundtrack to the 1929 film ‘Picadilly’:
Cornish band Wurlitza’s soundtrack has taken over two years to create, and includes music by Django Reinhardt, Fun Boy Three, Portishead, Wire, XTC, Chopin, Beethoven, Leonard Cohen, the Magic Numbers, Billie Holiday and the Doors.
“I loved Wurlitza’s pop to classical mix …they’re fab!” – Badaude, The Guardian
“The music was expertly chosen to run seamlessly with the film. It enhanced the experience. It reflected mood and added nuance. The musicianship was excellent.” – Ian Craft, Calstock Arts
* See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre.