Thursday 23 May 2024
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Categories Community Event
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Helen Staddon: Westcountry Rivers Trust
Charlotte Squire – Devon Communities Together
Historically, Ashburton has been prone to flooding (see oldashburton.co.uk). A scheme was put in place in 1983 which has prevented any major flooding in the town centre. One of the results of climate change is an increase in frequency of heavy rain in the UK.
At this public meeting, chaired by our new mayor, Saskia Hogbin, we’ll hear from these two speakers who will showcase the fascinating research being undertaken with the aim of improving the natural flood resilience of the River Ashburn.
Charlotte Squire – Project Manager, Devon Communities Together
Charlotte will give a brief overview of the Devon Resilience Innovation Project (DRIP). Charlotte is a project manager working on the Stakeholder Engagement aspect of DRIP and links the Devon Community Resilience Forum (DCRF) with the DRIP project to encourage communities to create an Emergency Plan.
Helen Staddon – Westcountry Rivers Trust, Rapid Response Project Officer
The Rapid Response Catchments Project (RRC) forms part of the Devon Resilience and Innovation Project (DRIP). It’s an Environment Agency funded project which aims to build community resilience to flooding, though Natural Flood Management (NFM) and other community-based actions using a co-creation approach, which includes landowners, residents, business owners, Council members and anyone who has an interest in these communities.
Westcountry Rivers Trust is working in 10 catchments including the Ashburn and Balland Stream to test this community-based approach to NFM. Helen is the Project Officer for the Dartmoor and mid-Devon Catchments covering Ashburton, Whitchurch, Walkhampton and Bampton. She has oversight of both the community engagement and the on-the-ground NFM delivery elements of the project.
Admission is free
The Arts Centre is donating the hall to the council for this meeting
If you’d like to make a donation towards the Arts Centre’s costs, choose one of the options below, or give something on the night.
See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre: getting here, parking, loos, PA tickets, etc.