Tuesday 18 July 2023
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm
Categories Chamber Music Festival 2023
Book here now: Tickets FREE • optional donations very welcome if you prefer 🙂
Everyone is welcome to this FREE, relaxed*, concert of highlights of the festival especially chosen for being family-friendly. You can book free tickets in advance, or just turn up on the day.
In this short concert, the musicians will perform extracts from some of the pieces int the festival programme, and talk a bit about the music and the instruments. Everyone is welcome to this, from the very young to the very old!
This is part of Ashburton Chamber Music Festival (ACMF) 2023 – a series of concerts, Hausmusiks, a Family concert and other events in and around Ashburton from 14 – 23 July 2023. To see everything that’s happening, and more about the music and the musicians go to ashburtonarts.org.uk/acmf.
* Relaxed concerts – the audience members are not expected to still still in silence. Adults and children are welcome to move around, go out to the loo or whatever.
* See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre.