Saturday 29 June 2019
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Categories Folk
£10/£8/£5 – Buy tickets online or from Rafikis Cafe and the Barn Owl Trust
An evening of delightful Folk Music to raise funds for, and celebrate the work of, the Barn Owl Trust – a small wildlife conservation charity based just outside Ashburton which celebrated its 30th anniversary last year.
Barron Brady Duo: barronbrady.com
‘Two performers who confidently uphold the richness of the British folk tradition with superbly crafted self-written songs and fine interpretations of English folk song, beautifully sung with great sincerity and with impeccable musical accompaniment. Their beguiling lyrics often draw upon the stories, legends and folklore of the South-West. These two are well loved by our audiences and we strongly recommend them to all other clubs, large or small.’
Della Hooke, Red Lion ‘Folk Club of the Year’ BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards 2006
“Beautiful music” Bob Harris Radio 2
“‘Terrific…I kept hearing lots of stuff, Incredible String Band, Nick Drake, John Martyn-yet at the same time their music it is very much their own – totally and utterly beautiful.” Mike Harding BBC2
“Really beautiful songs… fragile gentle and lovely- and no extraneous guff” Karine Polwart