Friday 8 October 2021
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Categories Jazz
Tickets £13 or £10 or £6 – you choose – from wegottickets.com/ashburtonarts
Steve Day – words
Peter Evans – 5-string electric violin
Julian Dale – double bass, bowed percussion
This trio records for Leo and Freetone Records, and has played at London’s The Vortex & Bristol’s Old Vic. This promises to be an accessible evening of extraordinary music and poetry, at the more experimental end of the spectrum.
“Steve Day… (one) of the finest performance poets in the UK.” Amnesty International
All the material will be taken from Steve Day’s new book Diamonds In Streams due out in the Autumn. Music and words run deep, truly unlike anything else heard here recently – Marcus O’Dair called Peter Evans’ electric violin “startling“. Others have said: “beguiling”, “awesome”, “incredibly unique”. Tony Benjamin (Jazzwise) ran out of superlatives, summing these guys up as, “…measured poetry and musical integrity that show how the two… coexist on equal terms.”
Steve Day: “Currently Steve Day… is (one) of the finest performance poets in the UK.” Amnesty International
Steve Day & Peter Evans: Steve Day’s alchemical flame is partnered by Peter Evans’ stunning electric violin. On one level they slice jazz, go higher and they are dark theatre…a great night out for the head, heart and body. A highpoint evening guaranteed. Rigobert Dittman, BA,Germany
Julian Dale: “I particularly like the way Julian Dale’s bass has been used and balanced…empathically.” Ian Maund, Sandy Brown Jazz, What’s New
Pandemic policies. This information will be updated as things change.
Update: April 2022
- Face masks: In the Main Hall, on the ground floor, these are recommended at all times, but are optional. Anyone who sits upstairs in the balcony MUST wear a face mask – with NO exceptions (not even those who are exempt). This is to allow people who are clinically vulnerable to have a place to sit where seats are naturally separated, so: (a) to provide a place for people who want to be as distanced as possible from others, and with anyone nearby wearing a mask; (b) as virus particles when airborne are generally heavier than air, this helps to mitigate the risk of transmission from people sitting in the balcony to audience members below.
- The windows and doors of the venue will be open, allowing fresh air to be constantly moving through. Although we have heating, this might mean that the ambient temperature is a little cooler than some might like, and audience members should dress accordingly.
- Please, if you can, take a Lateral Flow test before coming to the Arts Centre, and if this is positive, don’t come. These tests aim to pick up anyone who is infectious at the moment of testing, so please take the test as late as possible on the same day before coming to the Arts Centre. If you test positive, a refund or transfer of your ticket to another event can be arranged, if you let us know before the start of the event, by emailing boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk.