Friday 27 March 2020
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Halla is a 50 year old independent woman. But, behind the scene of a quiet routine, she leads a double life as a passionate environmental activist.
Known to others only by her alias “The Woman of the Mountain”, Halla secretly wages a one-woman-war on the local aluminium industry. As Hella’s actions grow bolder, from petty vandalism to outright industrial sabotage, she succeeds in pausing the negotiations between the Icelandic government and the corporation building a new smelter.
But, right as she begins planning her biggest and boldest operation yet, she receives an unexpected letter that changes everything…
Price: £5 (18 and under: £3)
Tickets in advance from gnashcomics.co.uk/ or in person from Gnash Comics and (usually) on the door.
To reserve a ticket, email boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk
Doors and bar open 30 minutes before the advertised start time.
Accessibility: Venue has flat access from street. PA tickets available on request.
Wheelchair users, please get in touch with the box office in advance if possible.
Free parking after 6pm and all day Sunday in the Town Car Park behind the Town Hall, and in the Grey Matter compound on Chuley Road. More information and map.