Saturday 13 August 2022
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Categories Dance
Book here now: £30 full price • £25 or £20 if you prefer*
A unique chance to experience an authentic Flamenco Dance class with two great dancers from Andalucia.
Saray Garcia and Fernando Jimenez are professional bailores from Jerez de la Frontera steeped in the tradition of Lola Flores and a long line of Gypsy performers. They will be offering guidance and instruction in this passionately expressive dance tradition.
These two dancers are part of Lola Flamenco, which is performing at Ashburton Arts Centre on Friday 12 August as part of the Little BiG Town festival.
* See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre.