Saturday 5 November 2022
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Categories Music
Book here now: £14 full price • £10 or £7 if you prefer – pay what you can*
Gabriel played here last year with his band, The Quivering Poets and they were fab, so a couple of weeks ago when Ned (on piano) got in touch to say that he and Gabriel would be in Devon again, it was great to be able to invite them back. My wife bought one of Gabriel’s CDs – she’s a good judge of these things – and it’s often played in our house.
“Gabriel Moreno is a singer songwriter and poet from Gibraltar with more than 10 poetry books published in both Spanish and English from 2007 to 2015 with Omicron Publishers and Annexe, London. He has released two albums with Amber Records, UK, Love and Decadence 2015 and Farewell Belief 2017, expressing creations of his own strand of Alternative Folk with a Mediterranean touch. He is considered an heir of the western troubadour tradition under the influence of songwriter greats such as Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave and Bill Callahan. He is also artistic curator of The Lantern Society, London and The Poetry Brothel London (two highly acclaimed nights of music and poetry in the UK).”
Never mind the fireworks, come and be entertained by a wonderful entertainer, with live music in the intimate surroundings and lovely acoustic of the Arts Centre – the comfy chairs are back down from the balcony (if you’re quick), I’ve just seen a message from the New Lion brewery saying that Pandit will be back next week (plenty of other beers, wines and exotic cordials are available!). As the winter nights draw in, we’ll have the heating on and all will be cosy.
* See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre.