Saturday 19 September 2020
7:30 pm
Categories Jazz
Book now at wegottickets.com/ashburtonarts
Simply one of the finest performers, anywhere in the world. Liane Carroll is already a legend among musicians – and anyone who’s ever seen her live. Book tickets for this concert and come. Bring a friend. They will thank you and you’ll never regret it!
As Claire Martin (of BBC Radio 3, and another of the UK’s exceptional jazz talents) posted on Facebook recently: “On this rainy Monday morning, my heart and soul lifted by Liane Carroll at her wonderful best – to quote Pete Long, “if this doesn’t turn you on, you haven’t got a switch”. THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE BUSINESS.
we are lucky to have her
” along with this link to this video of her singing ‘Picture in a Frame’ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI8-hCPoFhI

Covid-19 note: we’re putting on events for a live audience while following the current govenment guidelines for venues operating in a ‘covid-secure’ fashion. We’ve done our risk assessment. There’s a limited socially-distanced audience; at-seat bar service; we request wearing of face masks; we’ll have the windows open so it’s well-ventilated (wear something warm).
Liane is performing 2 concerts, on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 September.
On Saturday afternoon, 2pm, she’s running a group singing workshop, open to all.
On Sunday afternoon, 2pm, she’s holding a masterclass, for 10 local singers. You’re welcome to come and be in the audience.
To book for any of these, please see: wegottickets.com/ashburtonarts