Sunday 19 June 2022
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Categories Jazz
Book here now: £14 full price, £10 or £7 if you prefer*
Matthew Gest – piano and vocals
Sam Walker – drums
Jim Mortimore – double bass
Matthew Gest and his high-energy trio let fly through a set of piano-rattling boogies, rags and jive with the emphasis on great music to dance to. There’ll be as much space to dance as possible. You’re welcome to sit and watch too!
Here he is playing in the Arts Centre last year:
Your ticket includes a FREE Lindy hop swing dance workshop with Jarl Bennett at 6pm – beginners welcome! The studio will remain open during the gig as an overflow dance space, with the doors to the balcony open and the live music piped in.
“Matthew is one of the UK’s most distinctive, energetic and creative pianists who fuses blues and boogie with his classical virtuosity to bring a new dimension to the New Orleans-inspired piano style. He and his high energy trio let fly through a set of piano rattling boogie boogies, rags, blues classics and some good time rock and roll.”
“That was great! – I should have left you up there all night” Allen Toussaint
“Somebody tell that boy he’s f*&^ing awesome” ZZ Top
* See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre.