Workshop with Āshīsh Dhā: Naad Yog: Sanskrit 101 & Natural Notes

Workshop with Āshīsh Dhā: Naad Yog: Sanskrit 101 & Natural Notes

Monday 16 October 2023
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Ashburton Arts Centre


Book here now: £25 full price • £20 or £15 if you prefer – please pay what you can*

*Naad Yog: Sanskrit 101 & Natural Notes* with Ashish Dhā

“Physical matter is music solidified.”

or… in Sanskrit: “Naada Brahma”, the world seen as sound made manifest.

Naad yog (sound yoga) is the practice of using sound vibrations to connect with our energic and physical bodies; the ultimate stage is to realize one’s essential unity with the Universe. This branch of yoga can have instantaneous effects, if executed correctly. Naadaalay presents a workshop by āshīsh dhā on naad yog fundamentals – Sanskrit pronunciation, natural musical notes, mantra chanting, raags – which can be used in your own spiritual journey.

This first session will focus on the dual aspects of ‘svar’, a multi-layered ancient term meaning ‘that which shines on its own’, or ‘to sound’. The first aspect relates to the harmonic frequencies of the pure Indian musical notes, and the second to Sanskrit’s vowel sounds. We will learn how to correctly pronounce the ten main vowels, using call-and-response and the Roman script with diacritical marks. We will also begin our exploration of the seven shuddha (pure) notes in an octave.
The session will conclude with a short musical meditation by Ashish, giving you time to experience spontaneous sound guided by Energy 🧘🏽‍♂️ 🎶 ♥️ 🕉

About Ashish Dha:
Naad yogi āshīsh dhā has spent years in India training in classical raag music, and has also studied Sanskrit, Indian culture, mythology and Hindu philosophy. In Dublin since 2017, he teaches Indian languages, music and cooking, and has given workshops on mantra recitation around the globe. His main focus now is naad yog (sound yoga) and musical meditation. He is deep in his spiritual practice, and is passionate about sharing its power and delight.

In naad yog, we use sound vibrations to connect with the energic body and the Universe. These workshops will cover the basics, including Sanskrit pronunciation, mantra recitation, natural musical notes and raags.

This first session will focus on Sanskrit’s ten main vowels, using call-and-response and the Roman script. We will also begin our exploration of the seven shuddha (pure) pitches.

* See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre.