Monday 29 May 2023
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Book here now: £12 full price • £9 or £6 if you prefer – please pay what you can*
Moor Fire is a local blues rock band playing pubs and festivals in South Devon. The band works around Chris Mann on guitar and Emma Mann on vocals. Chris has been playing blues since he picked up a guitar in the early 70s but has also played heavy rock, jazz, country, pop and folk, all of which influence his interpretation of the blues. You may well know him from El-Cojones and the Mighty Camel Toe both of which were well known in the South West. Emma, a classically trained musician, brings her soaring blues/jazz voice and theatrical experience to the stage. Ralph and Sam on bass and drums provide a rock solid rhythm section with some surprising twists influenced by Sam’s background in drum and bass mixed with tabla drumming which he learnt in India. Tonight they have the opportunity to indulge in their love of blues. Playing originals and classics in their own style
Ray Kemp and Paul Smail play tonight as a duo bringing you blues with a different feel. Both have been playing for many years, touring the UK and Europe in various bands. Eight years ago they met and realised their musical influences were complementary, offering them a opportunity to explore new ways of expressing the music they love. The blues feel from Ray and slightly jazz classical feel from Paul creates new ventures in blues. If you love blues you will have seen Ray play with many bands on the South West scene.
Followed by a blues jam/open mic session. If you would like to be included, or to find out more, email boxoffice@ashburtonarts.org.uk (Mary is away this time – the jam session is being hosted by Richard and Jonathan Pickles).
* See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre.