Monday 31 October 2022
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Categories Music
Book here now: £10 full price • £8 or £5 if you prefer: pay what you can
Sloe Train
“We play our songs for fun and the love of live performance. Think Bonamassa meets The Bluesbreakers, with a twist of early Fleetwood Mac. Add in a little Ainslie Lister and King King influence and you have a heady cocktail of contemporary blues that is aching to be played live. These influences, combined with fine musicianship and excellent stage craft makes sure we will bring any venue or festival set alive.”
See sloetrain.com for more.
Sam Fearon
Sam appeared here in the Tinners Moon Festival as part of a lineup of young local talent. He was extraordinary – great bluesy, soulful vocals, with his guitar and looping creating a wall of sound around him. He’s had Radio 2 play and is going places!
See samfearon.com for more.