’Oss Gals and Morris Men: Folk Reimagined and Retold: Talk and Film: Way of the Morris

’Oss Gals and Morris Men: Folk Reimagined and Retold: Talk and Film: Way of the Morris

Saturday 4 May 2024
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Ashburton Arts Centre

Community Event

Book here now: £10 full price • £8 or £5 if you prefer – please pay what you can*

Talk: Dr Lucy Wright on Folklore is a Feminist Issue; Film: Way of The Morris (cert 12, 54 mins)

Widespread perception of folk as something ‘of the past’, in need of preserving, risks perpetuating inequities around gender, race, class and sexuality. In this talk, artist and researcher, <a href=”https://www.lucywright.art/”>Dr Lucy Wright</a> shares some of her observations as a collector (and creator) of ‘contemporary folk customs’, excavating the historical practices that were not deemed important enough to record and inventing new, more inclusive ones for the 21st century.
<a href=”https://www.lucywright.art/”>lucywright.art</a>

Way Of The Morris (Film, Cert 12, 54 mins)
As quintessentially homegrown as a game of cricket or a plate of fish-and-chips, Morris dancing is one of Englands most ancient roots traditions. And yet to your average man on the street, it’s seen as little more than a national joke. And a bad national joke at that. Something to ridicule. Something to be embarrassed about. A heartfelt docu-ballad in praise of birthplace, bloodline and rural brotherhood, <i>Way of the Morris</i> follows filmmaker Tim Plester on a deeply personal journey from the barley fields of his childhood to the killing fields of The Somme, in search of a connection with these much-maligned native dances that run deep in his bloodline as he traces the poignant link between the spirited folk revival of the mid-1970s and the true story of the young Adderbury Morris side all but wiped out by the carnage of the First World War. Featuring contributions from singer/songwriter Billy Bragg and Fairport Convention’s Chris Leslie. (54 minutes)

This event is in partnership with our neighbours, <a href=”https://fieldsystem.co.uk/”>Field Sytem gallery</a>


It’s part of Tinners Moon Festival 2024. For more about this see ashburtonarts.org.uk/tinnersmoon2024

This event is part of Tinners Moon Festival 2024. For more about this see ashburtonarts.org.uk/tinnersmoon2024

See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre: getting here, parking, loos, PA tickets, etc