Tuesday 7 May 2019
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Categories Tinners Moon 2019
£13/£10/£6 – Buy tickets online or from Rafikis Cafe and the Ashburton Information Centre
TARTE NOIRE Playback Theatre Company presents
When do you feel called to cross the line and break the rules? When is it wiser or easier to obey them?
Playback Theatre performances are moving and magical, comic and courageous and always surprising!
Playback Theatre is a facilitated, creative, dynamic and interactive encounter between audience members and actors. This stimulates a powerfully creative conversation for everyone present. This form of theatre draws people together as their common humanity is experienced through the enactments and fosters understanding within communities of people.
Tarte Noire is a group of 13 women who have been performing to both women only and mixed audiences around Devon for the past 11 years exploring many themes which affect our everyday lives. Tarte Noire works with women refugees in Plymouth and has for many years supported women who have experienced domestic violence to explore their stories through this form of facilitated theatre.
This performance is for everyone; it’s aimed at adults, though all ages are welcome. We warmly invite you to join us!
Admission £13 or £10 or £6 – you choose!
Doors and bar open at 7pm, talk starts at 7.30pm
Available at wegottickets.com/ashburtonarts (+10%) or in person from Rafikis Cafe and the Ashburton Information Centre and on the door.