Saturday 12 October 2019
9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Categories Talk
Book tickets directly with the Dartmoor Society for £20 (non members), £17 (members)
The Secret Life of Dartmoor Birds: Science for Survival
We’re delighted once again to welcome the Dartmoor Society to Ashburton Arts Centre. For historical reasons, this annual event is known as a ‘debate’, and while questions and discussion will form part of the programme, it’s more of a series of talks from a set of really interesting people with specialist knowledge of aspects of Dartmoor life.
The Dartmoor Society’s flagship event this year will focus on the bird life of Dartmoor and is open to anyone who is interested to know what birds are found on the moor and to understand the measures that are taken to protect them.
It is an opportunity for those who work on bird projects to share their latest research. These are local enthusiasts and scientists who carry out surveys and monitoring on the ground, and those who take this raw data and use it to answer questions about how we can retain our bird species and even increase their numbers. Their work is an essential resource for organisations and individuals who develop land management policies aimed at improving habitats and maintaining healthy bird populations.
We will look at the factors that make this work necessary, such as pressure on habitats and food sources, farming, recreation and climate change. How do we balance the need to prevent disturbance to birds and their habitats, and to protect their food sources, with the requirement to make Dartmoor ever more accessible to people?
The day will take us across much of Dartmoor from the high moor and the wetlands through to wood and farmland species.
Chair is Alison Kohler, Director of Conservation and Communities at Dartmoor National Park. Ally’s job brings her into daily contact with people who are protecting Dartmoor’s culture, heritage and wildlife. Our speakers all work on Dartmoor and are passionate about its ecology and birdlife.
Cost: £20 (including lunch, afternoon tea and cake)