Monday 3 April 2023
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Categories Spontaneous Composition
Book here now: £12 full price • £9 or £7 if you prefer – please pay what you can*
Sam Richards – piano and small instruments
Ric White – saxophones, some flutes, some electronics
Roger Hall – double bass, cello, percussion
Steve Day – drums, cymbals
Special guest: Eliza Jacobs – electric cello
“This is going to be music like none you’ve heard before unless you dream in red & green.”
Two bespoke spontaneous compositions divided by an interval.
Set 1. Ash Dies Back And Goes Forward (40 minutes)
Set 2. Non-Blues For Burton Greene** (45 minutes)
The Occasional Quartet plays together:
“To create fully formed spontaneous compositions – with melodies, rhythms and harmonies which, although not predetermined, form naturally out of a common bond and understanding. It seeks to be both beautiful and accessible whilst at the same time retaining a strong element of mutual discovery – something that is present in all great music. Individually these musicians continue to be active in a wide variety of musical genres, but they are not simply a mixed bag. Rather they draw on classical music, roots and jazz, as well as the avant-garde; all with the intention of aspiring to play great music, and making it a unique occasion.”
* See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre.