The Snow Dragons: Totnes Independent School Youth Theatre (Performance on Weds & Thurs eves)

The Snow Dragons: Totnes Independent School Youth Theatre (Performance on Weds & Thurs eves)

Wednesday 20 March 2024 - Thursday 21 March 2024
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Ashburton Arts Centre

Performances, shows, and events

Book here now: £15 full price • £10 or £7 if you prefer – please pay what you can*

Book tickets for either the performance on Wednesday 20 March, 2024. or for Thursday 20 March 2024. The Totnes Independent School theatre group presents a play by Lizzie Nunnery.
The school writes:
Join our students and celebrate their hard, creative work over a social evening here at Ashburton Arts Centre! This play is specifically written for young people, about young people.”
“Lost innocence and that threshold into adulthood were of particular interest to me. Most children assume that adults know the answers and know how to fix problems, and the play captures the moment when faith is lost.”
Lizzie Nunnery.

It is an imagined story based on real events performed in a lighthearted way!

Sensory Notice & Content Flags
Smoke, flashing/moving lights and bomb-related sounds. Includes descriptions of soldiers and invasion.

* See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre.