Thursday 18 May 2023
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Categories Music
Book here now: £15 full price • £10 or £7 if you prefer – please pay what you can*
Alex Vann – mandolin, mandocello, bowed psaltery, zither
Pete Judge – trumpet, tenor horn, harmonium, chimes & glockenspiels
Paul Bradley – acoustic guitar
Pete Judge – trumpet, tenor horn, harmonium, chimes & glockenspiels
Paul Bradley – acoustic guitar
“As intricate as a team of watchmakers, as spare as a mountain stream, uplifting and elegiac in equal measure, Three Cane Whale’s multi-instrumental acoustic music encompasses both a cinematic sweep and an intimate delicacy, in which “the aroma of muddy leaves and old nettles is almost tangible” (The Observer). Championed early on by Cerys Matthews, 3CW’s music has featured on BBC Radios 3, 4 and 6Music, as well as TV and film.”
In 2019, the band recorded its fifth album, 303, in a set of linked locations in South Somerset. They’ll be summoning up these resonant landscapes in their live set, as well as playing a selection from their extensive back-catalogue and some brand new material.
For more see threecanewhale.com
“exquisite, elegant, atmospheric and charmingly quirky” The Guardian
“musical miniatures imbued with the West Country landscape. Exquisite, within and without. Four stars” Songlines
“wordless paeans to rural southern England. Quiet but compellingly emotional music that is richly-textured and containing melodies of real beauty. 5 stars” fRoots
“musical miniatures imbued with the West Country landscape. Exquisite, within and without. Four stars” Songlines
“wordless paeans to rural southern England. Quiet but compellingly emotional music that is richly-textured and containing melodies of real beauty. 5 stars” fRoots
* See Access, Tickets & Finding Us for more about why there are three ticket prices, plus other useful info about coming to events at Ashburton Arts Centre.