Saturday 22 February 2020
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Categories Regular events
Yoga classes with Ty Lynne draw from her experience of different traditions and include warm-up stretches, sun salutations, classic postures (to increase circulation, massage joints/muscles and develop strength and flexibility), breath focus (deepening and regulating breathing rhythm, increasing oxygenation and calming the mind), relaxation (releasing stress and tension from body and mind) pranayama (control of vital energy), meditations (coming home to the present moment).
*Classes run throughout term-times, please do call/email to check dates if unsure.
*Classes are booked in half-term blocks (usually 6 weeks) at £6.50 per class.
*Drop-in is available at £8.
*For missed classes, do take a catch-up class any time at one of my other classes, or bring a friend along to class another week 🙂 www.tylynneyoga.co.uk/yoga-classes/
“For your comfort, it is good not to eat in the couple of hours or so prior to class.