Last-minute YouTube links

Sometimes the codes that YouTube generates for our live streams change at the last minute. If you’ve been sent here, it’s because this has happened, and the new link you need is below…
(if you’d like to contribute to the Artists and the Arts Centre go here.)

Restoring Nature on Dartmoor

Sam Richards 30 October

Sam Richards – 9 October
Apologies, we had a technical hitch which we didn’t manage to resolve until into the second of Sam’s pieces.

The images follow a minute or two later

Sam Richards Echoes and Traces, 2 October 2022

Ben Osborn, Bethany Roberts & Malo Moray – 13 June 2022

Hugh Pascall Quartet – 23 April 2022

Putin’s War on Ukraine: Professor James Mark – historian of Eastern Europe at the University of Exeter, and Ashburton resident – spoke about the origins of the war of aggression currently being waged against Ukraine.

Beardy Folk On Tour: Reg Meuross and Our Atlantic Roots

Derek Nash and Martin Dake Quartet

Jim Rattigan’s Double Quartet

Carolyn Hume and Paul May